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Scarlett's Blog

David Tyler and Ben Rule SCAMMER ALERT

Written on Wed 27 Aug 2014

We have been struggling over the last 24 hours to deal with a scammer who has used the following identities

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 

The bank account he uses is
Sort code - 08-90-88
Account number 67008362
(Coop bank, Barnsley)

His IP address is (which is Orange Internet)

(oh, and if anyone from Orange Internet wants to help track this person down then please contact us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address))

He has been advertising non-existent tickets for Kasabian, Kate Bush and other popular events, then pocketing the money.

Because he has created so many accounts we are finding it difficult to block him. We think he is also creating accounts using free or disposable email addresses.

Please read our warnings about avoiding scammers at http://www.scarletmist.com/index.php/info/#FAQ26



Comments on 'David Tyler and Ben Rule SCAMMER ALERT'

Yes as you know, I got caught out, but luckily only paid him £25 deposit not the full price of the tickets, which kind of made me think he was genuine.
But 2 or 3 hours after I bought my tickets he put up more Kate Bush tickets for a different night, but he used similar wording and ended both posts with ‘GENUINE FANS NO TOUTS!’ That made me suspicious & started to feel uncomfortable & sure enough a few hours later got an email from Scarlet Mist saying he was a scammer. So watch out for that particular line and posts that say similar things ( I’ve got tickets for such and such a night now etc)
Also, he was not in London.
Watch out and Good luck!

Posted by bradycath on 27 Aug 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

We have also been alerted that he is selling tickets on Craigslist.

Posted by Scarlet Mist Admin on 30 Aug 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

Surely the banks can trace him & give the police his details,as he’s committed fraud which is an offence ?????

Posted by bradycath on 06 Sep 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

He also uses the identity .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Posted by Scarlet Mist Admin on 09 Sep 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

It would be so easy to avoid all the pain by using an escro service - what is the problem?

Posted by andybev1 on 16 Oct 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

I meant escrow of course and it needs to be researched but here is a good start: http://www.experienced-people.co.uk/1021-getting-payment/choosing-an-escrow-company.htm

Posted by andybev1 on 16 Oct 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

You were right, trying to buy the Green Day tickets, I was ripped off by a scammer apparently known to you! Rather disappointed, but I had been willing to take the risk. Here are his details:
mrmaker from Lincolnshire
Said name was Harry moore Email is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
HE emailed me, and name on that was Michael Procter
Phone number from website was i07654887443
One I contacted : 07434 661851
BAnk details…..
Sort code : 08 90 88
Account : 67008362

Ref : JJ252571D Union account?

Posted by lizzydrip55 on 08 Jan 2017      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

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