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Scarlett's Blog

Apologies from a scammer

Written on Tue 04 Nov 2014

One of the scammers who had been using Scarlet Mist has been in touch with us to apologise. They spoke to us at great lengths, and were very aware of the wong that they had committed.

To everyone that this concerns,

I am writing this letter today to express my deepest apologies for what has happened on this site over the past couple of years. The site should be a safe, reliable place for people to exchange excess or surplus tickets with one another without the risk of being conned into losing their hard-earned money.
People make mistakes in their life, and I regret mine sincerely and I am going to do everything in my power to redeem myself, and prevent this happening to others.
I would encourage everybody who is owed money from anyone on this site who has scammed you to get in contact with the moderators on here, and if I have anything to do with it, I will be returning the money back with immediate effect.
I look forward to helping this site combat fraud, and hope that my new ambitions help to protect the people who I unfairly prevented from enjoying themselves.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this letter, and remember if you believe you have been scammed, get in contact with the site and the police!

Sorry once again, I really am.


Comments on 'Apologies from a scammer'

Amazing! I would be interested to know what prompted this turnaround, but whatever it was, it’s a most welcome development

Posted by AngelaH on 06 Nov 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

In order to ensure buyer confidence, it would have been good to know who this scammer is and what tickets they were selling… I’m new to the site and as such, I need to know who I can/can’t trust…

Posted by jennypenny on 15 Nov 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

Jenny this scammer asked us to withhold his name.

I don’t think he will be scamming any more. If he does then I suspect that he would adopt a false name and identity.

We recommend that you always take care.

Posted by Scarlet Mist Admin on 16 Nov 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

Rare to get an apology from a scammer but it’s flawed:

If the scammer doesn’t give his name, how can anyone be sure if they got scammed by this guy? If we can’t have the guy’s name how can we claim money back and moreover - what is the point of saying sorry and wanting to give the money back? It’s as if the apology and pledge to reimburse everyone hasn’t happened if he is withholding his name! It won’t wash with me unless the guy gives his name to the people who have been scammed. Everyone whose been scammed has probably made it clear to the mods in the past including myself and haven’t managed to get the money back. I’m still down £100 and all because the possible person making the apology has witheld his name. Not good enough at the moment I’m afraid. Privately email his name to me if u want but saying he wants to give the money back is null and good if he doesn’t give his name so victims can check if they were scammed by that very person!!! I’m a little annoyed tbh.

Posted by dj619 on 16 Nov 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

Hi DJ619

He has asked us to withhold his name. But we will pass on relevant information to him.

We know who has reported complaints to us about him.

Posted by Scarlet Mist Admin on 18 Nov 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

I applaud this person for turning themselves around. Well done. Good luck.

Sending cash is forbidden as it says on every page of SM….because it attracts scammers.

Posted by common on 19 Nov 2014      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has complained to the moderators before about being cheated and not receiving their money back. Because the potential apologizer has not identified himself, I am still out £100. Unfortunately, it is not good enough right now. You may provide his name to me in a private email if you want, but it won’t help anybody if he claims he wants to refund the money but then refuses to reveal his identity so that anyone who may have been conned by him can find out. Honestly, I’m a little bit irritated by it all.

Posted by laxseedhandle on 15 Mar 2023      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

I hate all scammers. Hope that I will not meet them more.

Posted by SabrinaHartley on 13 Jul 2023      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

I hope I won’t see them again.

Posted by Shelly Hardy on 20 Jul 2023      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

You have done a great job in preventing scammers to give users the best experience at this site.

Posted by andree23 on 24 Jul 2023      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

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