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Scarlett's Blog

Our dumbest scammer

Written on Thu 27 Aug 2015

Scarlet Mist takes a firm line with scammers who advertise fake tickets and steal the money. But we usually credit them with having a modicum of intelligence. So we were gobsmacked to see a scammer dumb enough to create three different accounts with three different names and three different email addresses, but with the same phone number for all three.

Matthew Fenwick .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Kelvin Quinn .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Paul Penfolds .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


We have suspicions that there are connections with another scammer (see http://www.scarletmist.com/index.php/blog/113 ) and we are investigating this.

Scarlet Mist cannot completely protect you from rogues like this, and we do advise you to take care. We recommend you meet in person or use the escrow service. We also recommend that you look to see what other tickets they are selling (displayed on the ticket sale page).


Comments on 'Our dumbest scammer'

They have just listed at the drive in tickets which l have bought and have no intention of paying for.

Posted by vanden on 16 Feb 2016      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

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